Monday, April 20, 2020
Research Methods used in Motivation and Emotion Studies
Introduction A research method is a procedure for collecting and analyzing data in a way that combines the research purpose of the study and the economy. Research studies in psychology are carried out in accordance with scientific methods standards. This encompasses both quantitative and qualitative statistical modalities that generate and analyze explanatory hypothesis regarding a psychological phenomena.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Methods used in Motivation and Emotion Studies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are various methods that are used in qualitative research. Some of these methods include explorative approaches as well as observing the participants and recording the behaviors. In addition, it is possible to use interviews, which can be made to be made to be structured. Through such qualitative methods, it becomes possible to get data which would otherwise be hard to get if quantitati ve approaches were taken. Quantitative methods in psychology incorporate use of statistical techniques to analyze data about human behavior. This paper will be comparing research methods used in two peer-reviewed articles that focus on emotions and motivation. The paper will review an article by Jianzhong on ââ¬Å"Homework Emotion Management Reported by High School Studentsâ⬠published in 2005. The paper will also review an article by Xiang, Bruene, and McBride on ââ¬Å"Achievement Goals and Their Roles in Studentsââ¬â¢ Motivation and Performance in Physical Education Running Programsâ⬠published in 2005. Specifically, the paper will compare and contrast the research design, target population, sampling design and sample size, data collection methods, data analysis and ethical considerations. Research design Kothari (2004) indicates that a research design is a blueprint of a research project that comprises of a research procedure which makes the research study efficien t, yielding maximum information while reducing the expenditure of effort, money and time. Different research studies that are commonly used in research include a survey method, a case study and descriptive design. In both research studies the researchers used a survey method as their research design. A survey method involves interviewing the participants on their feelings, views and experiences in relation to the research objectives and hypothesis. A survey method is appropriate in psychological research since it helps the researcher to collect data on a subject that is not directly observable. Motivation and emotions cannot be observed and hence they can be measured best using a survey research method.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Population, sample size and sampling design A population refers to a group of items or individuals with a common attribute under consideration in a fie ld of enquiry. The target population in Jianzhong (2005) research study was 1,869 students while the target population in Xiang, Bruene, and McBride (2005) was 461 students. Both research studies were done in schools. Jianzhong (2005) combined both purposive sampling and random sampling to select their sample sizes. Purposive sampling was used to select English classes. Purposive sampling is a non random sampling method which helps the researcher to select a sample of people, events or settings who have predetermined characteristics. The researchers had observed that they were required by all students and hence purposive sampling was appropriate. However, the sample size was still large and hence simple random sampling was used to select a total of 10 English classes; five in grade 10 and five in grade 9. Xiang, Bruene, and McBride (2005) in their study used purposive sampling to select their sample size. In both studies, the researchers used purposive sampling but Jianzhong (2005) also used simple random sampling. The sample size in Jianzhong (2005) research study was 205 students while the sample size in Xiang, Bruene, and McBride (2005) was 461 students. Data collection methods Primary and secondary data can be used in a research study. Data collection methods used in collecting primary data include mailed questionnaires, structured questionnaires, semi structured questionnaires, focus group discussions, structured interviews, semi structured interviews and observations. In both studies the researchers used questionnaires to collect their data. Xiang, Bruene, and McBride (2005) in their study used a close ended questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale in each and every question. In Jianzhong (2005) study, possible responses to the questions were: strongly disagree which was scoring, disagree which was scoring two, ââ¬Ëagreeââ¬â¢ which was scoring three, and strongly agree which was scoring four. Structured questionnaires are preferred by most rese archers since they are economical in terms of cost, and time as compared to other data collection methods. In the two articles the researchers used quantitative data to answer the research questions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Methods used in Motivation and Emotion Studies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Validity and reliability The accuracy of data collected mostly depends on the validity and reliability of the data collection instruments. Validity is the extent to which the results obtained after analyzing the data represent the studyââ¬â¢s phenomena. Validity of the data collection instruments is achieved by pre-testing the research instruments in order to identify any ambiguous offensive of awkward questions and make changes where necessary. In both research articles the researchers did not do a pretest. Reliability measures the degree to which a research instrument yields consistent result s. Jianzhong (2005) in his study tested the reliability of his data and found that Alpha reliability coefficients were.81 for extrinsic reasons and 86 for intrinsic reasons. Xiang, Bruene, and McBride (2005) did not do a reliability test in their study. Data analysis Quantitative data can be analyzed by three statistical data analysis tools: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and test statistics. Inferential statistics helps the researchers to make conclusions and predictions in relation to the properties of a population using the information from the sample size. Descriptive statistics helps the researcher to obtain information about central tendency, kurtosis, skew and dispersion and of data. Inferential statistics also help the researcher to obtain information of on the relationship between variables. Xiang, Bruene, and McBride (2005) in their study used both inferential and descriptive statistics to analyze their data. In inferential statistics they used MANOVA te st while in descriptive statistics they used mean. In his study Jianzhong (2005) used both descriptive and inferential statistics. Jianzhong (2005) used descriptive statistics to describe levels of education and his dependent variable (homework emotion management). In his inferential statistics Jianzhong (2005) used Zero-Order Correlations to establish the correlation between his dependent and independent variables. He also used hierarchical multiple regression analysis to analyze variances in homework emotion management which was his dependent variable. Ethical considerations Minja (2009) described ethics as norms that govern the conduct of a human being and has a greatly impacted human welfare. Research studies should always have ethical consideration in relation to the respondents or organizations. Researchers should therefore assure the respondents and the names of the respondents should not be disclosed when analyzing the data or when discussing the findings. In his study Jianz hong (2005) shared information on his study with an assistant school principal to seek approval to conduct. In their study Xiang, Bruene, and McBride (2005) did not consider any ethical consideration.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Jianzhong, X. (2005). Homework emotion management reported by high school students. The School Community Journal, 15(2):21-36. Kothari, C. (2004). Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Limited Publishers. Minja, D. (2009). Ethical leadership practices. KCA Journal of Business Management, 2(1):1-15. Xiang, P., Bruene, A., McBride, R. (2005). Achievement goals and their roles in studentsââ¬â¢ motivation and performance in physical education running programs. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76(1), 95-96 This essay on Research Methods used in Motivation and Emotion Studies was written and submitted by user August Watson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Magic Reality in Salman Rushdieââ¬â¢s Midnights Children Essay Example
Magic Reality in Salman Rushdieââ¬â¢s Midnights Children Essay With the myriad voices and cultural complexity that is India, Salman Rushdies novel Midnights Children stakes claim to the culture, identity, history, and magic that is Indian life. Rushdie takes the English language out of its colonial context and makes it the utterance of Indian masses.à The novel employs English to re-establish territorial domination, to make language and colonial history part of Indias dominion, and to voice Indias truths within its own logical framework. In doing so, the novel challenges the concept of Positivism as the only proof of reality and refutes the culturally biased label of magical realism by illustrating the mysterious, unpredictable, and beautifully strange aspects of life (Kortenaar 766).à Rushdie shows that the real is inherently magical and its incorporation into the novelââ¬âpart of the reterritorialization of language, logic, and historyââ¬âis key to reclaiming Indias voice and control over its cultural and historical narrative for past, present, and future generations. The style or genre of Midnights Children has been called magical realist but, as so many have counteredââ¬âincluding Rushdie himselfââ¬âthat is a ridiculous and even condescending term. Such labeling deems the magic in magical realism as indigenous and the realism as Western and marginalizes the literature; it insinuates that western logic is more real than eastern logic, and that there is no magic in reality (Kortenaar 767). The novel is a forceful rebuttal to those assertions. Repeatedly, reality is revealed to be magical and Rushdie shows that to deny that aspect of life is to deny Indianââ¬âindeed all humanââ¬âreality and identity. We will write a custom essay sample on Magic Reality in Salman Rushdieââ¬â¢s Midnights Children specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Magic Reality in Salman Rushdieââ¬â¢s Midnights Children specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Magic Reality in Salman Rushdieââ¬â¢s Midnights Children specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In India, daily life and history are filled with inexplicable and incomprehensible events and to gloss over or relate them from a single, narrow viewpoint is both biased and errant. For centuries that is what has been done by western writers to the East; it has been othered, and language has been used to rob identity. But now eastern writers are taking the power back through the language once used to oppress and are defining in their own terms personal and national identity and history. In this way Midnights Children uses English to show the marvelous real of daily life and to question western versions of truth and reality. (Kortenaar 768-72) As Rushdie reveals throughout the novel, reality in India is magical and its truths must be told in those terms. To begin, Indias topography and culture lends itself to belief in the fantasticââ¬âfrom the majestic peaks of the Himalayas to the tropical teardrop of Sri Lanka; the huge cities and tiny villages where sacred cows wander the streets competing for right-of-way with horn-blaring motorized rickshaws; where Sadhus literally roll their naked bodies across the country to symbolize their rejection of worldly comfort while paanwallahs bark carnival-style from their stalls as red betelnut juice streams from customers mouths, staining the walls and ground like fresh blood; where elephants trample villages, drunk on local coconut fenny, and wild tigers roam national parks, the last of their kind on earth. Further, how one conceives reality is a question of perspective. Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seemsââ¬âbut as you approach the present, it inevitably seems more and more incredible, Saleem tells Padma, Illusion itself is reality (189). Hindus believe in Mayaââ¬âthat life is a dream or illusion that we all collectively agree to share. In the novel, Rushdie describes India in the same termsââ¬âas a Jungian collective unconscious fantasy where reality is what you make it. With this novel, he creates his version of reality and gives voice to a completely nonwestern (but no less real) way of looking at it. For example, Saleem tries to reclaim control of Indias narrative, rejecting the sterile, linear versions of history usually told about India by non-Indians: Rereading my work, I have discovered an error in chronology. The assassination of Mahatma Gandhi occurs, in these pages, on the wrong date. But I cannot say, now, what the actual sequence of events might have been; in my India, Gandhi will continue to die at the wrong time. (190) Saleem is questioning accepted versions of historical events and implies that no version is reliableââ¬ânot even his own. More profoundly, he is saying that events such as Gandhis assassination cannot be quantified by a mere linear, factual accounting. Like so many tragic events in Indias history, Gandhis assassination occurs at the wrong time, literally and figuratively; it has such a profound effect on the nation that it cannot be reduced to a mere sequence of events. Here, Rushdie shows the deep philosophical difference between East and West. In the East, time and events cannot be neatly compartmentalized as they often are in the West, for they continue to reverberate and color the way all things are perceived. The novel posits that perception is determined not merely by time, but by ones experienceââ¬âthat is, what may seem odd to an outsider is not even noticed by one who sees it every day. For example, when Saleem discusses his mother Amina visiting Delhi, he describes her utter amazement at all she seesââ¬âin stark contrast to the urban-dwellers who notice nothing unusual. When you have city eyes you cannot see the invisible people, the men with elephantitis of the balls and the beggars in boxcars dont impinge on you, and the concrete sections of future drainpipes dont look like dormitories (89). In Delhi, Amina Sinai feels like she is surrounded by many-headed monstersââ¬âthe old cliche of the East, where dragons and grotesque monsters have always existed for the Westââ¬âbecause she is not habituated to the area. Here Rushdie is revealing that outside perceptions are often misinformed and that, therefore, insider perspectives must be voiced and considered; he is showing that what may seem marvelous or magical to one person is simply a fact of life to another. For Reverend Mother aeroplanes were inventions of the devil cameras could steal your soul, and ghosts were as obvious a part of reality as Paradise (110). And who is to say that her perceptions and beliefs are wrong? Her daughter, Amina, inherits her intuition and belief in soothsayers, such as Ramram Seth, who accurately predicts her sons fate. Fighting against colonial propaganda that denies her beliefs, Amina thinks, Even if were sitting in the middle of all this English garbage this is still India, and people like Ramram Seth know what they know (110). Again, reality is a question of perspective and it has many definitions. Throughout the novel, Rushdie pushes the concepts of perception and belief and continually questions what constitutes reality. Speaking about Partition, Saleems father says, It was only a matter of time, but Saleem wonders at this assumption (86). Time has been an unsteady affair, in my experience, not a thing to be relied upon. It could even be partitioned: the clocks in Pakistan would run half an hour ahead of their Indian counterparts If they can change time just like that, whats real any more? I ask you? Whats true? (87) What is real? What is true? That is what Rushdie wants us to contemplate here. He wants us to see the folly of our belief in absolutes. He also wants us to see that reality is full of very bizarre eventsââ¬âespecially in India, as Saleem indicates: There followed an illusionist January, a time so still on its surface that 1947 seemed not to have begun at all In which the Cabinet Mission saw their scheme for the transfer of power fail. (But of course it would only be six months until) In which the Viceroy, Wavell, understood that he was finished, washed-up, or in our own expressive word, funtoosh. (Which, of course, in fact only speeded things up, because it let in the last of the viceroys who) In which the Constituent Assembly stood self-adjourned, without having settled on a Constitution. (But, of course, in fact Earl Mountbatten, the last viceroy, would be with us any day, with his inexorable ticktock, his soldiers knife that could cut subcontinents in three, and his wife who ate chicken breasts secretly behind a locked lavatory door.) (70) Here Saleem is recounting his version of the countdown to Partition; he is showing the manipulation of events by the colonial government, the inaction of the Indian Constituent Assembly, who failed to control the process, and the malevolent ignorance of Viceroy Mountbatten who could so callously cut subcontinents in three. Saleem is describing how this marvelous real actuality occurredââ¬âone of the multitude of strange events that comprise the true history of India. Not just recent history but ongoing daily events can be perceived as fantastic in India. Saleem tells Padma that the villagers who lived near Reverend Mother all believed that: she eavesdropped on her daughters dreams, just to know what they were up to. Yes, theres no other explanation, stranger things have been known to happen in this country of ours, just pick up any newspaper and see the recounting of miracles in this village or thatââ¬âReverend Mother began to dream her daughters dreams. (Padma accepts this without blinking; but what others will swallow as effortlessly as a laddoo, Padma will just as easily reject. No audience is without its idiosynchrasies of belief). (58) In this passage Rushdie reiterates the subjectivity of belief and reinforces the idea that reality is what you make it. Deliberately playing on western doubt, Saleem tells us that there is no proof not something that will stand up in court but insists on the truth of Reverend Mothers extraordinary abilities (58). Juxtaposed to the bloody historical facts recounted throughout the novel (the bloody Partition of India and Pakistan, the wars of 1965 and 1971, the forced sterilization and slum eradication campaigns of Mrs. Gandhi, the assassinations of Gandhi, Mian Abdullah, and Liaquat Ali Khan, and the Emergency suspension of civil rights by Mrs. Gandhi) and the description of daily lifeââ¬â from the half-gnawed Parsee hand that slaps Ahmed Sinai across the face as it is dropped by a vulture flying away from the funerary Tower of Silence to the altering of time at Partitionââ¬âRushdie shows clearly that Indian life is full of what westerners might consider magical reality. Rushdie closes Midnights Children with an empty jar for the next generation to fill with its own pickles of time. Thirty jars stand upon a shelf, waiting to be unleashed upon the amnesiac nation. (And beside them, one jar stands empty) (530). In his novel, Rushdie successfully reterritorializes the English language and reclaims history and identity in Indian terms. But he knows that the real work has just begun, and that it must continue if India is to further define itself and its future. Therefore, Rushdie leaves us with an admonition, with the idea that we must know our histories so that we can own them (and not be doomed to repetition). But he also voices hope. Saleem concludes: My special blends: Ive been saving them up. Symbolic value of the pickling process: all the six hundred million eggs which gave birth to the population of India could fit inside a single, standard-sized pickle-jar; six hundred million spermatozoa could be lifted on a single spoon. Every pickle-jar (you will forgive me if I become florid for a moment) contains, therefore, the most exalted of possibilities: the feasibility of the chutnification of history; the grand hope of the pickling of time! (529) It is no coincidence that Saleems sons first word and the title for his final pickle recipe are both abracadabra. With this mystical incantation, which Saleem tells us is not an Indian word at all but a cabbalistic formula, Saleem and his son claim the magical reality of their livesââ¬âusing all the language available to them. Just as Rushdie deliberately chooses to write this novel in English, he deliberately chooses a magical, non-Indian incantation for the final pickle recipe and for Saleems sons first utterance. As the words abracadabra are spoken by the baby, Saleem wonders, Whodoes the boy imagine he is? (529). And that is precisely the point of all these pages: Indians imagining and defining who they are in their own termsââ¬âand dreaming big! Through Saleems reclamation of discourse and logic throughout the novel, Rushdie claims control of past, present, and futureââ¬âof the magical reality that is Indiaââ¬âand in doing so creates a space for the next generations to add their own chapters. By deliberately reterritorializing the English language, Rushdie redefines realism, showing that his is an equally valid way of looking at the world, and insists that once Indians freely choose their own modes of expression they will become the masters of their own destiny.
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